Yerevan Ararat Brandy-Wine-Vodka Factory, built by the merchant of the first guild Nerses Tairyan in 1877, is situated in Hrazdan gorge - one of the picturesque places of Yerevan. The Factory combines the traditions and practices of the Armenian brandy and expands the geography of export of Armenian brandy and wine.

In 1899 the factory was purchased by “N.L. Shustov and sons” company - the Russian leading producer of alcoholic beverages.

In 1920 the factory was nationalized and renamed Yerevan Ararat Brandy-Wine-Vodka Factory in May, 1921. It was the parent enterprise of brandy and wine making of the Soviet Armenia comprising all the brandy and wine factories of Armenia.
In 1991, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the factory was in abandoned and desolate state.

In 2002 Yerevan Ararat Brandy-Wine-Vodka Factory had its revival having a new owner - the founder of “Multi Group” Concern Gagik Tsarukyan.
After two years for the complete restoration of the source of brandy production it became a real historical value.

Currently the Factory represents great historical significance, it improving every year, and creates global criteria of brandy production.


Noy  is an Armenian brandy (cognac-style) that has been produced by the Yerevan Ararat Brandy Factory since 1877. It was first known as "Armenian cognac" until 1899, when it was branded as "Shustov". With the establishment of Soviet Armenia in 1920, the production of Armenian brandy was nationalized and the brandy was popularized as "Shustov" until 1940, when the drink was labeled as "Ararat", after the re-organization of Armenian brandy production. After the independence of Armenia, the factory was privatized in 2002 and the produced brandy was re-labeled as NOY. It is made from Armenian grapes of Armavir and Vayots Dzor regions, and spring water, based on traditional methods.